Resources from Past Meetings

MAD SSCi has a rich history of presenting innovative and informative meetings across the Mid-Atlantic region, helping all who join Learn! Share! and Network!. Get a taste of our group from these resources and then plan to join us at a future in-person or virtual event.
2022: Core Facilities: Partners in Sustaining Science
MAD SSCi 2022 was a collaborative meeting with the FASEB Committee on Shared Research Resources, held June 16-17, 2022 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. The meeting featured discussions of the FASEB report, a pre-meeting Business Skills Workshop and a pre-conference workshop on the importance of animal models, in addition to many scientific sessions. Select a specific session below, or watch the entire meeting.
Plenary Talks:
- Introduction to ABRF. Kevin Knudtson, ABRF President
- Status of the Mature Collaborative Cross Population in UNC Systems Genetics Core Facility. Dr. Fernando Pardo Manuel de Villena, University of North Carolina
- FASEB Shared Research Resources Taskforce: Conclusions & Opportunities. Sheenah Mische, NYU Langone Medical Center & Naomi Charalambakis, FASEB
- Preclinical Study of Cardiac Xenotransplantation in a Pig-to-Baboon Model. Dr. Corbin Goerlich, University of Maryland, Baltimore
- The Role of Core Facilities in Improving the Rigor, Reproducibility and Safety of Biomedical Research. Dr. Jon Lorsch, NIGMS
Concurrent Sessions:
- Communications 101: Getting the Word Out—How to Build Your Brand and Reach Your Audience. Featuring Lauren Ciotti of Johns Hopkins University speaking on website design and marketing strategies for core facilities.
- Communications 102: Communicating Science at 24 fps. Featuring Ambilka Khadria and Range Rajan of KathAsk Films on using video in a core facility setting.
- Data Sharing Best Practices. Featuring Yvette Seger, PhD from the FASEB DataWorks group and Sheenah Mische, from the ABRF Data Working Group, discussing the upcoming federal data management plan requirements and other issues surrounding data use and retention.
- FASEB Roundtable: SRR Management, Stakeholder Communication, Metrics
- FASEB Roundtable: Oversight and Support
- Federal Agencies & SRR Support. Featuring Ming Lei (NIGMS), Jennifer Weller (NSF) & Xiang-Ning Li (ORIP)
- Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry. Featuring Joanne Lannigan, CEO, Flow Cytometry Support Services, explaining the concepts an practical consideration so FSFC and the unique applications of this technology.
- Hyperion Mass Cytometry. Featuring Won Jin Ho from Johns Hopkins University discussing Imaging Mass Cytometry and its uses in spatial biology.
- Methods for Publications. Featuring Gabriel Gasque from discussing the tools available for method development and sharing.
- Proteomics in the Core Lab. Featuring Nicholas Sherman of the UVA Biomolecular Analysis Facility, discussing the challenges of starting and maintaining a Mass Spec facility.
2021: A Meeting in 12 Parts–Building a Better Core: Best Practices for Share Resources
In response to the COVID pandemic, we hosted a virtual meeting every month of 2021. (Click on the talk title to view the associated recording.)
2020: Let’s Do Lunch!
When our institutions shut down in 2020, we pivoted from our planned meeting at Georgetown and began monthly virtual lunch sessions, which provided a time to network, vent, and to share ideas and tools to help with shutting down and reopening our facilities.
- Staying Busy While Working at Home: Discussion Notes with helpful links
- Planning for Restarting
- Discussion notes from lunch
- Cloth mask pattern
- ABRF has developed a Ramp-up Document that captures information shared by several institutions on their plans.
- Ramp up Progress Reports Discussion notes
- More Ramp up Discussion notes
- Resources for increasing Core Acknowlegements, standardizing protocols & more: ABRF Core Marketplace, RRID & UsedIT
2019: Joint NERLSCD/MAD SSCi Meeting (Philadelphia)
- Theme: Exploring New Technologies to Drive Advances in Basic, Clinical and Translational Research
- Program
2018: Johns Hopkins University
- Theme: Cores: At the Forefront of Rigor and Reproducibility
2017: Planned for West Virginia University, canceled
2016: University of Pittsburgh
- Theme: Innovation through Collaboration
2015: Joint SEASR/MAD SSCi Meeting (University of Virginia)
2014: University of Maryland
- Theme: Core Resource Laboratories: Advancing Biomedical Research
2013: Inaugural Meeting: Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research